RHEA Group in collaboration with le Mouvement Desjardins, National Bank of Canada and Deloitte will be leading the CyberEco initiative in Montreal, Canada.
Even though cybersecurity is increasingly recognized as essential for organizations in the current market, there is a growing shortage of cybersecurity experts in the marketplace. CyberEco will be tackling the deficit by bringing the opportunity to both businesses and institutions to take part in the initiative providing a cyber capacity development environment.
RHEA Group is proud of being part of such groundbreaking initiative in Montreal, Canada. We have leveraged our engineering expertise in the field of cybersecurity, and we have become one of the leading firms at the forefront of cybersecurity. Our expertise on the matter will consolidate CyberEco and contribute to the development of cybersecurity talent, hence a Montreal resident capacity.
RHEA Group has been a leading organization and an active collaborator with governments and industry implementing and operating strategic cybersecurity programs. Recent realisations include having undertaken a comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessment of the City of Montreal water service computer systems, having implemented and being the operator of the first Cyber Range for space developed for the European Space Agency (ESA), and having established a Centre for excellence as a knowledge leader for cybersecurity of critical systems.
According to the Bowen Island Undercurrent, senior executives in Montreal are thinking of joining CyberEco. “Possibly in the near future, we would like to join, because to me it’s a great opportunity to tap into a bigger networking group, a bigger set of talent, and an opportunity to collaborate on common problems,” said Loic Jegousse, head of cyber and IT risk at BNP Paribas.